15 thoughts on “so fuckin’ hard

  1. Rennes Chateau…with the carved wooden doors c. 1100s, with a motif of maize.

    The Merovingian blood line ala Christo and a magic cell phone.

    Puff the Magic Dragon seems to have turned into Smaug the allied cruise missile.
    They’re ALL Transformers now…….


  2. >”Conspiracy theories just can’t fail, no matter how ludicrous they are. Try to falsify them as you may, the conspiracy theorist will just brush aside your evidence by asserting that you are part of the conspiracy against them and their theories. A paid shill in fact. Circular arguments and twisted logic are the order of the day.

    While modern day conspiracy theories take many forms, the currently favoured ones involve a secretive, authoritarian elite striving to impose totalitarian, one-world government that will rule the world and serve the global elite’s interests.”~Colin Todhunter
    [New World Order “Conspiracy Theories”: Diversions and Deceptions]
    . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Pretty jejune bullshit coming from Mr Todhunter here. Pretty amazing being it is published by Global Research.
    Apparently Todhunter is another of the Marxists in the nest up there in Canada, who denies the Hegelian Dialectic with rhetorical squirm dancing and a twisting of his own costumed straw men.

    I would reply that, ‘Academiacs just can’t fail, no matter how ludicrous they are.’


    • To Toadhunter;

      It’s not consiracy you f-king asswipe it is design. Pure architecture building a block at a time. Consider the fact that there are 60 million on the government dole. They suck the well dry and are happy to be be told whatever. Then add the 22 million who work for the government. Are they going to piss on their parade? Now take the Medicare retirees and minors outside the taxpaying strata and what do you have left. He call them conspiracy theorists. I call them rape victims.

      But COTO is not just rape victims, but ones who were able to define the crime and give clear descriptions of the perpetrators, especially considering they told us they were going to screw us.

      Mr. Toadhunter appears to have missed the American Psycho’s and decided to forgo real evidence and call it a Diversions and Deceptions.
      What part of secretive, authoritarian elite striving to impose totalitarian, one-world government that will rule the world and serve the global elite’s interests did he miss at the last Bilderberg meeting? What part of a totalitarian welfare state with banker bailouts did he miss over the last four years? What part of the 2% elite fighting to keep their interests from going to interest did he miss? What part of the lame-duck congress who speaks no evil regarding war spending cuts has he not seen?

      Oh, I get it, he wants to sell books and get a observer invitation to Davos next spring. Good luck Toadhunter.

      ~ Puddy Dunne on December 8, 2012 at 11:57 pm – COTO

  3. Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt wrote a letter to The New York Times detailing the Irgun’s numerous crimes and outrages that concluded as follows:

    “The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a “Leader State” is the goal.

    In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin’s efforts, or even to expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.

    The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism.”


  4. Those who grok Ayn Rand realize that, The FOUNTAINHEAD is allegory for the psychopath’s cock head that Rand fantasized sucking…


  5. Hegelian Dialectic:


    Left Commies/Right fascists/Maimstream Statism
    . . . . . . . . . . .

    Design is presented as Diagnosis.

    The ‘conclusions’ and ‘recommendations’ based on them are the agenda in the first place.

    This is the “Think Tank” MO.

  6. http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/2012/12/nato-intervention-in-syria-imminent.html

    “French sources told Le Point magazine that the NATO mission for Syria, including the UK and the US, would be modeled on the Western intervention in Libya in 2011.”

    “It would combine an aerial blitz with ground action by special forces for destroying Assad’s chemical weapons stocks, his air force and his air defense systems.”

    Apparently winds of war reached gale force. Expect full-scale intervention any time. It could come before or right after Christmas and New Year’s.

    A previous article called today perhaps the most perilous time in world history. Daily events should scare everyone.

    Possible regional or global war looms. Disastrous consequences could follow. “~Lendman


  7. Absconding with the term; ‘SOCIAL ENGINEERING‘, and forcing it into the IT lexicon is in fact one of the techniques of real social engineering, which is the manipulation of society as a whole with the creation of a false paradigm.

    This is a form of perpetual psychological operation of the Public Relations Regime of the Military-Industrial-Complex.

    In searching the web for content on this truth, one is waylayed by thousands of articles on the false IT aspect, thus burying the fact that social engineering is a state operation to put a population into a state of electronic enchantment.




  8. The “law of unintended consequences” served hot from the ovens of Hell is going to roast the system–sizzling and popping like foil in a microwave.

    Competing systems become alike. The core principles will warp due to strategic necessities of cause and effect. Each competitor countering in kind. This hammers each into a yin yang matrix, two pieces interlocked at a mirrored border configuration. It is this that takes on prime consideration above all else.

    Symbiosis is the resulting state.

    Observe Mac and PC. The essentials are the same for each system, the ‘brain’ the screen. The keyboard and mouse. All other aspects are simply mirrors of each other. The icons and commands may have a differing lexicon, but in action there is minimal if any actual difference.

    The cold war created two blocks, equally Machiavellian and despotic. Both claimed to “liberate” their peoples while shackling them.

    A true revolution of thought must avoid such competition, must flow like water around the opposition. Putting this strategy into specific tactical sets will require real time contingency choices rather than long term planning.

    The Tao is not spoken, but manifests.


  9. Again to address the jejune crapulations of Mr Todhunter of GR:

    Of course the GLOBAL CORPORATIST-BANKING SYNDICATE is a ‘conspiracy’. By the very definitions of the RICO Act it is one. By every historical account it is a conspiracy.

    Perhaps it is in that it is an apparent one, for any eyes that are open to see, that makes some commentators view it as something other than what it is; a conspiratorial agenda made behind closed doors. Even the definition of a National Security State can be said to be a conspiracy, as all is decided in secret, held in secret, and imposes sanctions for revealing said secrets.

    Perhaps Todhunter should stick to writing about fashionable handbags and stuffed pets.


  10. To Take The Romance From The Philosopher’s Stone
    By Willy Whitten

    The very first thing to consider when one reads or hears the title of the manuscript known as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, is that this protocol has nothing whatsoever to do with Judaism, but to cloak itself from what it is in naked relief underneath – psychopathic lust for political power. It is a grimoire of megalomania, the authors are worshipers of mammon, and they hold themselves up as gods. The combination is a mix of breed and creed, neither Jewish, Christian, Muslim or any other religious faith. Even attempts to characterize them as literal ‘Satanists’ is a misconception, they care nothing for anything but power and the wealth it brings. They are immoral, so Christians consider them ‘Satan Worshipers’. It is the Christians who believe in Satan, not this power elite. So they leak out fraudulent garbage to further the myths and hang up researchers in endless details of fantastical intrigue – the stuff of comic books.

    The most predictable thing results in this; hangers on, wannabe’s and charlatans take up such nonsense and propagate it to appear important. And those who are successful to a point to get noticed and receive promotion and often financing from the mid level oligarchy that understands the importance of PR, and propaganda in perception manipulation. It is a veritable industry and the symbolism is cleverly used in logos and advertising to further the mythology. Everybody climbs aboard because it is hip, cool, “fraught with meaning.” Art directors, movie execs, science fiction authors, comic artists, fashion designers, and wanna be vampires, parade the charade.

    And the Elite laugh all their way to their banks and estates. Some of this iconography is even done in fine arts, and the Elites may own and promote these tools as well. Some of the blue blood youth of these Elites may see it as a romantic persona for a time – until they are tapped for responsibilities. The “All Seeing Eye of Horus” is put on the shelf and real business is attended to.

    Another thing to remember that much of this symbolism is secular and has meant different things to different philosophies throughout the centuries. The Romantic period of art, and sculpture, and architecture adopted many symbols and myths from classical Egyptian and Roman motifs, as an appreciation of technique and craft as well as subject. The fanatical “Christian” view of all of this as having to do with the devil is again, psychological projection on their part. The artists and philosophers of that era related to an entirely different paradigm, one breaking the trail for an expression of their ideals of Liberty, Justice, and Reason.

    These Ideals themselves were then co-opted by the powers that be, the chic and popular thing of the day, and it’s rhetoric taken and spun for their own means. And as this movement in the minds of men, educated in greater numbers than any generation yet began to discover that Liberty was the rightful and natural state of the human being, the Elites became more determined to steal their thunder, and this is where and when the of the penning of the most referenced form of these Protocols, which had been around evolving through the ages, took shape this is the version penned by Weishaupt, the Illuminati version. This version evolved further with reference to technological advances by the early 1900s.

    As an age of information developed, it was more difficult to remain behind the scenes, since their operations affect all of commerce, so distractions became more important, and were developed accordingly. Control of general education became a primary goal. If there was to be education, and that was quickly becoming a given, then they had to have a great influence upon it. Their interests are opposed to the general interest in the most extreme manner. The general population must not be allowed to comprehend this. This is why philanthropy became such and important cloak, and the “Humanities” had to be understood as their bastion of high moral fortitude in the eyes of the common people. Yes “the devil” is a liar and a tempter, and so are they, but it is a technique of the soulless, not those who believe in a supernatural power or force. They have no faith in anything but their own cunning. But they are not atheists, all humans have a belief system of some form or another, it is an epistemic necessity. This deep faux “Zionism” is far from agnostic – they believe themselves to be materially divine. After all they reason they are the puppet masters of the world. What else can divinity mean but that?

    A more complex understanding of this will come in a later chapter, for the creed does have its beginnings in the Babylonian Talmud and the Kaballah, but these are not strictly Judaic either, having Babylonian, Canaanite and Egyptian roots in them as well as the Levites, a rejected tribe of the true Israelites, and their Torah.


  11. “My whole effort and approach is to give each individual opportunities to develop his potential, whatsoever it is. Nobody should try to divert his life – nobody has the right to do it. And then we can have a world which is truly a garden of human beings. Right now we are living in hell.” ~ Osho


    Who needs conspiracy theory when we live in such an obvious odious police state? The police are fricking storm troopers for Christsake…can’t you believe your own eyes?

    Electrocution on the spot isn’t draconian? What? Is your memory only about a sound bite long? Yup…stupefied TVZombies doing the sieg heil follies, skating through Saint Petro’s Carnival. Scatological tubular lollipops as rectal probes at the homeland airport—and YOU think the ‘Tearists’ are gonna take your freedom away? Holy bimbo squat diddle.

    But seriously folks…where are the serious folks?

    Recorded Future: the panoptic maximum security state encouraging the ‘forbidden diary’ of Winston Smith; a twist on the Catholic ‘confessional’.
    We write our own dossiers on forums, Facebook, through emails. Twitter, web searches, etc.
    “The Revolution” is a prefabricated model intended for manipulation. “Tea Party” as an example. Wikileaks as provocateur. “Bla bla bla” as central casting dialog. Everybody sings along ’cause everybody knows this song.

    Yea…I’ve had a belly full a smelly full of twisted fisted screaming sometimes not dreaming but I saw her turn and nod like a pod on a bean stalk winking a simmering shimmering sometimes glimmering blue eye like she was saying follow me which I did ‘tho I hid at he corners where she would turn around to be sure I was bound on her course of course on horse trodden ground where the hound bugled at the sound of the winky wanky voyeur.

    And you can see this crap on Disnoid channel now. WTF? Mickey’s lingum and Minnie’s yani in rainbow colored diapers not even drawn in cyphers. Let it all hang out. My country tis of the thee devoid of sympathy of thee I sing. Land where the injuns died pumped full of pilgrims pride on every mountain side let the strip mines slide. Yes, hail to victory.

    But of course, I don’t mean it in a mean way…just a rigid rigimortus right arm salute to the leader of the club that’s made for you and me.

    So the world wide web is apparently some sort of alien demiurge dreamcatcher made out of sticky string theory. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, ‘cept for deep inside…gotcher prayer beads? “numb yummy ringo’s coy”? [that’s Nishran’s shitzu] Gotcher Bibles? Bogey : 12:22?

    All I can say is, “bring on the donkey”.

    Nothing to see here folks, move along.


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