FORENSICS & BALLISTICS JFK There are many posts and commentaries on these issues spread between several entries on HR1blog, which I hope to consolidate herein on a single entry. Federal Rules of Evidence # 406 Habit; Routine Practice “Evidence of the habit of a person or of the routine practice of an organization, whether corroborated…


IN CONTEXT v 2016 This is the third edition of IN CONTEXT: Editorial and Opinion and Current Events. A supplement of the first two issues in 2014 & 2015. As world events seem to be moving in Fast Forward >> We anticipate the need for more room in this section dedicated to recent events put…


WERPH AUCHT One of the biggest trends of the post financial crisis period has been a plunge in the American public’s perception of the country’s powerful institutions. The establishment often admits this reality with a mixture of bewilderment and erroneous conclusions, ultimately settling on the idea people are upset because “Washington can’t get anything done.”…


The Warren Commission concluded that at approximately 1:15 p.m., Dallas Patrolman J. D. Tippit drove up in his patrol car alongside Oswald—presumably because Oswald resembled the police broadcast description of the man seen by witness Howard Brennan firing shots at the presidential motorcade. Patrolman Tippet’s encounter with Oswald occurred near the corner of East 10th…

Pipe Dreams on the Road to Serfdom

Pipe Dreams on the Road to Serfdom There’s a fog upon LA and my friends have lost their way..”~George Harrison   So, what incentive could the military industrial complex possibly have for transforming the image of the peaceful, flower children, war protesting ‘hippies’ into raging psychokillers hopped-up on acid? The question answers itself doesn’t it?…


9/11 FALSE FLAG PSYOP “No building exhibiting all the characteristics of controlled demolition has ever not been a controlled demolition.”~David Ray Griffin “What is ‘Truth’? said jesting Pilate” “History is written by the winner” The question then is; “what did the historians of the accepted official history taught in the US win? These historians are…


GEOPOLITICS “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” – John F. Kennedy “The Eisenhower administration grievously misunderstood and underestimated the most significant historical development of the mid-twentieth century – the force of Third World nationalism…. The Eisenhower administration insisted on viewing the Third World through the invariably distorting lens of a…

Scragged Again

Scragged Again [Reprint of August 8, 2011 article on COTO] “Those who control the Past control the Future. Those who control the Present control the Past.” ~ George Orwell The authenticity of the Protocols is contained in their predictive or prophetic capacity.  The only way to successfully predict the future is to engineer it. ~Willy Whitten…


DEVIL RUSE I insist, once again; There is no cosmic devil—no Satan. Only the idiot mass mind which is a social phenomena, not some metaphysical psychic trombone from outer space. You have nothing to fear but psychopaths with their hands on the systems of sociological control. Your everlasting soul is safe no matter how whacked…